2022 Apprentices w/ UMass students and community members
2022 Apprentices w/ UMass students and community members
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With our Biogas Apprenticeship, you can learn everything you need to install and run a small-scale biodigester at your home, workplace or community center:
Site Assessment - is biogas right for my location? where should i put it?
System Selection - which biodigester is right for me?
Start Up
Feedstock - what can I feed my "baby dragon"?
Optimizing Gas & Fertilizer Yields
How to use biogas
How to use bio-fertilizer
General Maintenance
Cold Weather Modifications
Putting your system to rest for the Winter
Waking your system up in the Spring
Sign up by December 21, 2023.
Term: January - May 2024
3-month online course with Kathy Puffer at Biogas Education Hub (January thru March/April, 1 hr per week)
2 fieldwork days at small-scale digesters in our network in Western Mass, where you will put your online learning into hands-on practice
Connection to Northeast Biogas' community of practice in Western Mass and Hudson Valley, NY in person and on Hylo.com and social media
Connection to Biogas Education Hub's global network of dragon tenders on Mighty Networks and social media
Cost: $175-350, sliding scale.
Access Rate - $175 - choose this rate if you have low access to funds.
Our Costs - $225 - choose this rate if you are sustaining yourself, but don't have extra funds.
Support Rate - $350 - choose this rate if you have excess funds, and would like to help support others in learning biogas.
BIPOC and need-based scholarships and partial scholarships available on request.
Contact northeastbiogasinitiative@gmail.com.